The world's best technology and track record, established through a series of original studies.

About White Tattoos
White Tattoos are a completely new type of tattoo that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. The colour is not too pronounced and blends in naturally with all kinds of fashions. It is also suitable for people who have given up on tattoos due to work or other reasons, as it does not show through even when wearing a light white shirt.
In addition, gradations of colour combined with white tattoos are the studio's speciality. The contrast between shades of blue, purple, red and other colours and white can create vivid colours that cannot be expressed using conventional tattoo techniques.

Why is it not widespread?
Despite the high demand for white tattoos, which attract many people, many people wonder why are they not very popular. One of the biggest reasons is the technical difficulty involved. It is considered very difficult to apply white ink evenly over a large area compared to a standard tattoo. The technique of white tattooing is so difficult that very few studios offer the procedure.

TATTOO STUDIO Ray's is one of the most skilled and experienced white tattoo studios in Japan. We have many customers from all over the world as well as in Japan.
Generally speaking, white tattoos are a challenge because the color is difficult to apply. But we have re-researched the application of white tattoos from scratch and have established techniques based on our own experiments and accumulated experience, and consequently many people are satisfied with our white tattoos.
If you are interested in white tattooing, please contact us.

Final points
A word of warning:
White tattoos are highly technical tattoos that require a high level of skill to perform, as it is very difficult to get the ink to settle and stabilise on the skin.

Here is an example of a customer who wanted to try a white tattoo, and so asked other shops if it was possible to get one. She was told is was possible, so she got it done.
As a result, the skin tissue has been destroyed and the white has turned a greenish brown colour, as shown in this photo. In addition, the red area in the centre is not red ink, but actually a scar because the skin tissue could not regenerate.
When it comes to white tattoos, we strongly recommend that you find a studio with solid expertise in white tattooing and check their track record!